Practical Life
- Independence of the child
- Fine motor skills
- Real life experience
- Refinement of movement
- Real and useful activity
- Appropriate to the age of the child
- Self-contained
- Control of error
- reflect the culture
- Sensitive period of movement
“Montessori is an education for independence, preparing not just for school, but for life.”
- Maria Montessori

Preliminary Exercise
Pouring Liquid from Jug to Jug
- Refinement of movement
- Eye/hand coordination

Care of the person
The Zipper Dressing Frame
- Control of movement
- Open and close zips
- To develop independence

Care of Environment - indoor
Polishing Glass
- Control of movement
- Sense of order
- Care of environment

Grace and courtesy
Extending Greetings
- Peace education
- Respect others

Care of Environment - Outdoor
- Experience of growth of plant
- Respect environment
- Eye/hand coordination

Control of movement
The Silence Game
- To aware of quite time
- To nourish the child's spirit
- Attentation to details